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Updated: 28 min ago / 40 Under 40 Honorees of 2024

40 Under 40: Jack Davies has an eye for financial rigor in his family’s mission-driven business

PHOTO / Tim Greenway At MaineWorks, Jack Davies took the financial reins to balance mission and margin.

Significant professional accomplishment: My most significant professional accomplishment was successfully helping my mom to scale our family business. In 2018 we had solid operations, but the company was in dire need of more financial rigor. I graduated in 2017 with a degree in finance so, luckily, I was the perfect person for the job.

We looked at every system and process to reengineer the company with an eye on efficiency and productivity. Even though we have a social mission, our obligation as a B Corp is to balance mission and margin. I am happy to report that we now have a highly organized, replicable model to use for employment of marginalized people.

Passion project: I love scuba diving. Specifically, wreck diving. My favorite part of my hobby is the remote places you find yourself in pursuit of these shipwrecks.

‘Lightbulb’ moment: I decided against the traditional career path for finance graduates and chose to take a post-grad year teaching English in China. While I was abroad, I heard stressful stories from my friends who had gone into banking. I decided to forego a traditional career altogether and do my own thing instead.

Audacious goal: My most audacious goal is to take a company public.

Favorite quote: “Luck is not a business model” — Anthony Bourdain

Influential book: “Outliers,” by Malcolm Gladwell

Favorite movie: “The Lord of the Rings Trilogy” (director’s cut). I watch it at least once a year.

Best way to recharge: I like to work hard in Maine during the summer, and then travel to somewhere warm in the winter to recharge.

At age 60: I will most likely be a snowbird.

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