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Updated: 16 min ago / 40 Under 40 Honorees of 2024

40 Under 40: Leah Graham explores complex questions in cancer treatment

Photo / Tim Greenway Leah Graham explores complex questions around the topic of genomics in cancer treatment.
Leah Graham, 34 Program director, Maine Cancer Genomics Initiative, The Jackson Laboratory Read about all the 40 Under 40 honorees and a special event to recognize them.
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Significant professional accomplishment: Over the last three years, I’ve been able to use my scientific expertise to explore complex medical questions around the topic of genomics in cancer treatment in my role in the Maine Cancer Genomics Initiative at JAX.

We work with oncologists, nurses, genetic counselors and researchers from across Maine to discuss the mutations present in a patient’s cancer and help to identify the appropriate treatments to target those mutations. It’s a reminder that biomedical research impacts people at the end of the day, and I’m able to do this work with a team of people whom I really enjoy.

Passion project: My passion project at the moment is my garden. Our yard was quite a large, blank slate when we moved into our house and that enabled me to experiment with many flowers and colors. I love seeing all the birds and insects enjoy the space.

‘Lightbulb’ moment: When I was in graduate school, in a bench research lab, it became clear that being able to communicate scientific research to non-scientists is very challenging and sometimes not done well. I remember realizing this often-overlooked aspect is a missed opportunity for scientists, as our primary goal is to improve society for everyone.

Since then, I’ve tried to emphasize the importance of science communication in every chapter in my career.

Audacious goal: My goal in life is to stay positive, inspire future scientists through mentoring, and continue to work on impactful research.

Favorite quote: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” — Maya Angelou

Influential book: “East of Eden,” by John Steinbeck

Best way to recharge: Being outside with my dog, Sully. Often being outside includes some combination of swimming, hiking, boating, skiing or biking and makes me feel better every time.

At age 60: Hiking in the woods and sailing the oceans while working part-time doing something I enjoy.

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