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Updated: 21 min ago / 40 Under 40 Honorees of 2024

40 Under 40: Lisa Sturgeon champions Maine ‘experiences,’ events and education

Photo / Soubanh Phanthay Lisa Sturgeon is the founder of Getting Married in Maine LLC.
Lisa Sturgeon, 35 Founder, Getting Married in Maine LLC; instructor, Husson University College of Business Read about all the 40 Under 40 honorees and a special event to recognize them.
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Significant professional accomplishment: My greatest professional achievement is being a first-generation college student, earning both a bachelor’s degree and an MBA, which transformed my family’s socioeconomic future.

Also, starting a company where I get to work with an amazing team of partners who comprise other Maine businesses. Additionally, getting to work with students to help them develop their passion for hospitality and tourism.

Current state of mind: I am a working mom of an elementary school-age boy. We are experiencing the effects of climate change right here in Maine. And it’s an election year. So “my world’s on fire, how about yours?”

Passion project: Growing up in Maine, I faced transportation and affordability barriers that limited my access to the state’s abundant outdoor recreation and cultural opportunities.

I currently serve on the Bangor Recreation Economy for Rural Communities steering committee, working to raise awareness of and improve accessibility to the area’s incredible experiences. I love playing a part in their development.

‘Lightbulb’ moment: I planned my first large event at 13 — my eighth-grade dinner-dance. I managed the budget, designed the decor and coordinated with vendors. I’ll never forget when the rental company asked me to sign the delivery agreement, only to realize I couldn’t because I wasn’t 18. That experience solidified my passion for event planning.

Today, I love blending that passion with tourism and sharing mentorship opportunities with students and rising professionals.

Audacious goal: I want to help create an experiences bank for Maine youth. While Maine is known as Vacationland, many young people feel there’s not much to do. The issue isn’t a lack of activities, but barriers like cost, transportation, access to gear or simply not feeling comfortable trying something new. Personally, I would also love to become a master gardener.

Favorite quote: “Never be so clever you forget to be kind” — Taylor Swift

Influential book: Professionally, “Leaders Eat Last,” by Simon Sinek. Personally, “Outlive,” by Dr. Peter Attia. Of all time, the Harry Potter series — it was my escape during my parents’ divorce.

Favorite movie, podcast or TV show: “Somebody Feed Phil,” “Triple D,” “The Lost Kitchen,” “Ted Lasso,” “Downton Abbey” and “The Devil Wears Prada” are long-term favorites. I also enjoy good documentaries or a series — “Welcome to Wrexham,” “Finding Your Roots” and “Down to Earth” are ones I have recently enjoyed.

Best way to recharge: Surprising to many, I’m an introvert by nature — I actually think a lot of people in hospitality are. I love unplugging, spending time with a good book, traveling and going on hikes with my son and husband. I also just got into standup paddleboarding.

At age 60: Doing much the same as I am now — showcasing all the amazing things Maine has to offer, supporting the next generation of leaders, spending time with family and friends, and perhaps finally catching up on my TBR stack.

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