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March 21, 2005

A chat with Debra Dupuis, owner and manager of Echo 52 Family Restaurant in Berwick. | Family recipe

Founded: May 2004
Employees: 25
Startup costs: $800,000
Revenues, 2004: $288,000
Projected revenues, 2005: $500,000
Contact: 698-9952
6 Sullivan Sq., Berwick

What kind of food does Echo 52 serve?
It's American cuisine. We have a bit of everything, from shrimp to filet mignon, as well as sandwiches, wraps, salads and homemade soups.

Who are your patrons?
We get a lot of people from southern Maine, and we're pulling from the Dover, N.H. area. It's hard to own a restaurant in Berwick because there's nothing in [the town]. People think, "A restaurant in a little town, how's that going to make it?"

When did you first get the idea for the restaurant?
I was nurse for 30 years, and I decided I needed a change. My husband, Dennis, had always wanted to own a restaurant.

Where does the name Echo 52 come from?
Our facility is an old Odd Fellows building, the Echo Lodge No. 52. The building was in bad shape, and they had to gut it before we moved in. It took 18 months to get it to a point where we could inhabit it.

What's the building like now?
There are two separate dining areas [on two floors occupied by the restaurant.] The second floor is Duke's Lounge [Echo 52's casual dining room] serving lunch and dinner, and the third floor is a converted ballroom with a high tin ceiling and oversized windows, where we serve dinner and hold special functions. We can seat 40 people in the lounge and 70 upstairs.

How did you finance the launch of your business?
The bank had a big part in it, and I used some personal funds and credit cards.

What was the biggest challenge going from idea to reality?
I was a nurse, and I didn't have a clue about the restaurant business ˆ— keeping people in line, watching the staff. We have a steady staff right now, [but] I hired a couple of people I thought would be strong in management, but it didn't work out and I had to let them go.

What have you achieved since opening?
We have a lot of regulars, about 50. We have a good staff, and we serve a good product. We've had retirement parties, anniversary parties, birthdays and baby showers. And we [just had] our first wedding here on March 19.

I've heard that restaurants are notoriously difficult to manage. What's been your experience?
We've had a lot of staff changes, but that's normal in the restaurant business. Now we have an excellent staff and a great kitchen staff. They all pulled together to serve great product. The executive chef came to my husband during the renovation work and said he wanted to be our chef. He had been with the York Harbor Inn for 15 years, and he brought with him another chef who'd been with the inn for 10 years. Our other chef came from Alexander's in Dover, N.H.

What's your competition like?
There's The Windjammer in Somersworth, N.H. On Miracle Mile in the Somersworth-Dover, N.H. area, there are fast-food places, like a Chili's, a 99 Restaurant and a Pizzeria Uno. Our atmosphere is totally different. People can sit down and relax here, and everything is prepared fresh.

We also have dinner dances once a month on a Saturday night. We hire a DJ, and for $65.52 a couple they get an appetizer, entrée, beverage and dessert, and they get to dance in the ballroom for a couple hours. We stared doing them in September or October, and every one has sold out.

How do you market your business?
We have radio ads on three or four stations, and we're in the process of doing a TV commercial on a local cable channel. We do newspaper ads every once in a while. We are a member of the Sanford-Springvale Chamber of Commerce. Also, word of mouth has helped a lot.

My mother worked as a waitress in high school, and she told me she once dropped a cup of maple syrup on a patron's head. Has anything like that ever happened at Echo 52?
No, I can't think of anything like that that's happened here, knock on wood!

New Entrepreneurs profiles young businesses, 6-18 months old. Send your suggestions and contact information to

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