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December 20, 2022

A quarter of Aroostook County homes lack broadband, hindering economic development

chart with color blocks and lines Courtesy / County Broadband Committee The red blocks indicate Aroostook County areas that are underserved and unserved by quality broadband.

A new report finds that nearly a quarter of homes in Aroostook County are lacking a quality broadband connection and it's hindering growth in the region.

“It is critical that our region has robust and reliable broadband,” Ryan Pelletier, county administrator of Aroostook County, said in a news release. “Our communities need to remain competitive and the number one issue we hear from local officials and business leaders is the necessity of high-speed reliable internet.”

The Aroostook County Broadband Community Guide was released today by a private/public partnership called Aroostook Partnership and by Aroostook County.

The guide, developed by Bangor consulting firm Mission Broadband, is a product of the work done by the County Broadband Committee, which was formed in summer 2021. 

Pelletier and Paul Towle, CEO of the Aroostook Partnership, led the effort. The committee included members from surrounding cities, towns, and unorganized townships within the county. Its mission was to work together to resolve the lack of broadband infrastructure and adequate internet access for all, which was brought to light in the wake of the pandemic. 

chart with color blocks and lines
Courtesy / County Broadband Committee
The red blocks indicate Aroostook County areas that are underserved and unserved by quality broadband.

Mission Broadband conducted surveys and broadband speed testing, mapped served, underserved and least served locations and worked with the committee to provide a blueprint of how to best move forward for each community.

“We believe this important work is the first step in helping our towns understand their coverage gaps while also providing the tools and advice needed to build grassroots community engagement and pursue partnerships and grant funding to create affordable broadband solutions,” said Towle. 

Pelletier and Towle said the development of broadband improvements is timely, given an  influx of federal and state funding to assist with projects. 

“Our local communities need to engage so they are not left behind,” said Pelletier. “These funds will eventually end, and it would be a shame if Aroostook County towns were not included in accessing some of these dollars to improve broadband capabilities here.”

Work and school

Notable findings include:

  • 60% of respondents said their internet service is not affordable. 
  • Over 40% use their internet for a remote position at work.
  • 30% own a home business.
  • Nearly 40% are students who need reliable high speed internet to be able to compete with other students in Maine who have access to online tools to enhance their education. 


Over 30% of respondents said broadband for telehealth is important. Northern Light Health, a major anchor institution within Aroostook County, reported that over 23% of its patient population does not have access to reliable broadband. Yet many of the health conditions that Aroostook residents are treated for after discharge can be accomplished via telehealth.


The analysis revealed that, of 36,241 homes in the county, 8,655 homes fall under or are considered least served or unserved. The gap represents roughly 24% of all households in Aroostook County.

Property values are also impacted significantly by internet access. Realtors across Aroostook concur that access to high-speed internet is a top consideration for home buyers today, which adds significantly to the value of properties with good broadband. This also makes areas like Aroostook more attractive to new residents and businesses considering a move and could help spur economic and population growth.

The report will be rolled out at regional meetings in northern, central and southern Aroostook in January.

To view the report, click here.

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