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Updated: April 1, 2021 Ask ACE

Ask ACE: Is there a good way to stop wasting time?

Q: I have a tough time with time management. Is there a good way to stop wasting time without getting into some complicated system that I won’t follow?

ACE Advises: The difference between wasting time and investing time is intentional action — clarifying what you are going to do, thinking through the steps to take and then putting the intended steps into action.

A cautionary word here about terminology. “Goals” and “deadlines” are popular in superficial conversation, but they pale a bit when it’s time to actually do something.

The word goal is useful only when it is immediately linked to intentionality. The goal is the desired outcome, but is it described in concrete terms, suitable to support practical working actions?

What are those do-able actions that can realistically be expected to bring it about? Is it tied to a future moment we call a deadline?

This process shouldn’t be complex, but we often avoid it because it’s uncomfortable to task ourselves with new responsibilities. Maybe we had secretly expected to just coast along today. Now we’re threatening to interrupt that habitual activity.

So, insert a little discipline. Keep focusing on the value of the intended outcome, and thinking of the quickest and simplest way to make it happen.

Once you’ve accomplished something, however minor, you’ll feel a little burst of satisfaction. Put that mood to work — find another modest task you’ve been intending to do. Do it.

This process develops positive momentum of its own, but it is fragile and it needs encouragement. Your continuing attention is all it takes, not a lot of effort, just keep intending and doing those little things.

Jim Milliken is a Portland-based management consultant. He can be contacted at

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