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Updated: June 10, 2022 Ask ACE

Ask ACE: Using interns effectively in the gig economy

Q: I need some help in my business, but I’m not able to hire someone full-time right now. I don’t have the budget to bring in an experienced individual even on a short-term basis, so how can I effectively incorporate an intern or other entry-level talent?

ACE Advises: Finding reliable short-term help for your business can be daunting. While a skilled professional member of the gig economy is one option, an intern can potentially serve you well — if you break a project down so you can use their talents effectively.

“An internship is not the same as hiring an employee,” says Renee Kelly, assistant vice president for innovation and economic development at the University of Maine and a coordinator of the Innovate for Maine Fellows program, which connects Maine college students with meaningful internship experiences at in-state companies.

“It’s about a learning experience for the intern, and part of your responsibility is to mentor, teach and guide them.”

This means having a solid plan for what you want the intern to accomplish, communicating clearly about expectations and facilitating open dialogue through regular check-ins. Give the intern an opportunity to ask questions, but also make sure you stress important information and ask them to reconfirm to ensure that details are not lost in translation.

Taking the time to develop intern talent can pay off. Interns can bring fresh perspective and grow into valued employees who are invested in your business, Kelly says.

Programs such as Innovate for Maine can help employers not only find talent, but manage the HR logistics around hiring, training and payroll. This can be especially helpful for startups and small businesses that may lack hiring infrastructure.

To learn more on this topic, see “Using Interns Effectively in the Gig Economy” here.

Theresa Peek of Peek Learning Consultants is a talent development consultant specializing in leadership development. She can be reached at

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