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November 14, 2017

Avesta Housing awards two $1,000 scholarships

Courtesy / Avesta Housing From left, Avesta Housing resident services coordinator Nick Kjeldgaard and Avesta Housing President and CEO Dana Totman present a $1,000 scholarship to Dina Malual, a student at Emmanuel College in Boston. Avesta also awarded a $1,000 scholarship to Pamela Muzika, a student at Babson College in Wellesley, Mass.

Avesta Housing, the Portland-based nonprofit provider of affordable housing, recently announced two winners of its first-ever educational scholarship.

Dina Malual and Pamela Muzika each received $1,000 towards their tuition expenses at Emmanuel College in Boston and Babson College, in Wellesley, Mass., respectively.

Avesta said that the two were selected out of numerous applicants because of their strong applications outlining their commitment to education to improve their lives and communities.

Dana Totman, president and CEO of Avesta, said in a statement that the students “represent the best of the next generation of thoughtful citizens and global thinkers.

“Avesta is honored to know these young women and offer our support in furthering their education,” added Totman, a Mainebiz Business Leader of the Year in 2013.

Malual is a freshman at Emmanuel who has yet to declare a major or field of study. Muzika is a senior at Babson, where she studies business management with a double concentration in accounting and real estate.

Avesta currently has more than 80 properties and 2,400 apartments in its portfolio. Its mission is to improve lives and strengthen communities by promoting and providing quality affordable homes for people in need. Its areas of focus are advocacy, development, property management, home ownership and assisted living.

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