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March 18, 2011

Belfast food plant moves forward

A business group's plan to establish a $2 million food processing facility in Belfast is advancing.

City councilors yesterday voted to allow Coastal Farms and Food Processing to buy three lots in the Belfast Business Park for $1, according to the Republican Journal. Under the purchase agreement, the city will take the three lots off the market for nine months while the company further develops its business plan. Formed in part by former Councilor Jan Anderson, Coastal Farms plans to establish a food freezing, processing and storage facility, initially creating up to eight full-time and about a dozen seasonal jobs. Coastal Farms will be able to extend the nine-month period at a cost of $5,000 per month, and must meet other city criteria in order to fully waive the price of the lots, according to the paper.

Anderson hopes to have the facility open by the summer to handle this year's crops.

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