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January 2, 2009

Big-box law gets tested

A Wal-Mart expansion in Skowhegan is the first project in the state to trigger Maine's Informed Growth Act, a 2007 law that requires developers of big box stores to pay $40,000 for a local impact study as part of the planning process.

Wal-Mart wants to expand its store in Skowhegan by roughly 30,000 square feet, according to Portland television station WCSH 6. A Wal-Mart spokesperson told the station it was the first project in the state to trigger the Informed Growth Act, which requires retailers proposing stores larger than 75,000 square feet to fund an independent study on how the store would affect property taxes, municipal budgets, local retail jobs and wages, and whether it would have an adverse impact on the local economy.

The spokesperson said the company this week filed an application with the town and paid the roughly $40,000 fee for the impact study, which will be conducted by a consultant hired by the town, reported WCSH 6.

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