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February 24, 2009

Boralex to close two N. Maine power plants

Two power plants in northern Maine will close in the coming months, putting 49 people out of work.

Boralex, a Quebec company that owns power plants in Stacyville, Penobscot County, and Fort Fairfield, Aroostook County, will close the plants because it doesn't have anyone to sell power to, according to WCSH 6. Boralex has a contract that expires in June to sell power to Chicago-based Integrys Energy Systems, which previously had the contract to provide power to the northern Maine power grid. But the Maine Public Utilities Commission recently awarded that contract to Fredericton, N.B.-based NB Power, which came in 8% lower than competing bids, or roughly $4.4 million less over the course of two years, the televisions station reported. The PUC is obligated by law to accept the lowest bid.

The state is working with Boralex to find new private energy customers, which would allow the plants to continue generating power, according to WCSH 6.

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