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Updated: June 24, 2019 To the Editor

Commentary from ex-Mainer sparks reaction

I just read the June 10 commentary Mainebiz posted by Conner Drigotas, “Why this native Mainer moved out of Maine.” The piece is filled with vague references to being unable to obtain work in the state, and how unfriendly it is to business, without providing any actual examples. Nor does he acknowledge the many breaks businesses are given in Maine. I was curious about his agenda and, after some quick Googling, found out that he publicly identifies as libertarian and works as the communication director for a law firm that gives legal help “to those hurt by public-sector union officials.” This seems like important context Mainebiz could give when posting such a piece.

— Lauren McCauley
Editor, Beacon


Re: “Why this native Mainer moved out of Maine,” I cannot believe all the things that you say in your column — almost all of them without ANY corroborative information. We have entered a new era in Maine with the election of Gov. Janet Mills, who has pledged “no new taxes” during the next legislative session. Your repeated statements about how the state is deep into “spend first, hope for the best later” and “increasing taxes, leading to migration out of Maine, while Augusta increases spending” are unpleasant echoes of Gov. Paul LePage’s eight years in office. He did essentially nothing to address the concerns you cite.

I have spent a career as a consultant to small businesses — first in New Hampshire and for the last 28 years in Maine — and can attest to the fact that some of what you say is true. There is too much out-migration and not enough in-migration of people who grew up in Maine, I think that presently there are more good jobs available in this state than at any time I have lived here.

Augusta is not “getting in the way” and “not creating a bigger bureaucracy” these days. More is being done to be business-friendly than in all the years that I have lived in the state. If you want to rant against Maine, I suggest that you support your point of view with some facts and not just personal diatribes.

— Stephen Jenks

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