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July 19, 2004

Conquering clutter | A chat with Bettina Blanchard, founder of All In Place Organizing Services in Yarmouth.

Founded: January 2003
Revenues, 2003: $31,000
Projected revenues, 2004: $50,000
Address: PO Box 458, Yarmouth 04096
Phone: 829-5105

Describe what your company does.
All In Place Organizing Services saves people time, money and stress by helping them organize areas of chaos in their life. Today, many of us have so much stuff and precious little time to organize it, so I help them sort through what they have and then put things in place so they can easily access what they have when they need it.

How many employees do you have?
Right now it's just myself, but I have access to some excellent help [on a contract basis] when I have larger jobs.

When did you first get the idea for the company?
A few years ago, I met a woman who just started a business as a professional organizer. I thought, "I've been doing this work my whole life. Ask my [very disorganized] brother!" I investigated it, and I thought I would do the same thing.

What was the biggest challenge going from idea to reality?
The biggest challenge is constantly educating people about the value of professional organizing services because it's a new profession. It's [only become popular] in the last one to five years.

How did you finance the launch of your business, and what did it cost?
Startup costs were very minimal, less than $2,500. I already owned a computer. Initially, I spent money on quality marketing materials, a business phone line and advertising in the yellow pages.

What was your first day in business like?
My first day in business was rolling up my sleeves and helping my clients dig through what they need to dig through. They all say, "You've not seen it this bad before," so I help them become more comfortable with the fact that it's a process.

What have you achieved since then?
I've helped make a lot of space work a lot better for a lot of people. I have a growing list of satisfied customers. I've learned that the need [for professional organizing services] is far bigger than All In Place can satisfy. Even organized people need the services of a professional organizer from time to time because there are things they can't get to. It's another pair of hands, another perspective and ideas for systems they may not have thought of.

What's your competition like, and how do you differ?
There are definitely other professional organizers out there. We're all different because we're all different people. We all have different styles and different preferences. For example, [one of my colleagues] works exclusively with folks with ADD, and another only manages estates. I'm a generalist. I work in offices and in basements, attics and garages. I help organize kitchens, and I put filing systems in place.

What are your plans for growth?
I think it could be an excellent franchise, like Curves and Rent-a-Husband. If I build this business and systemize it, then somebody who wants to be a professional organizer can just [open a franchise] and not have to do all the business components.

What resources have proven most useful?
Definitely good counsel from my accountant and business coach. [My accountant] knows about small businesses and can advise me about the big picture.

Describe a mistake you've made in your business, and what you learned from it.
It's more of a learning moment than a mistake, but learning to keep up with the business plan and adjust it as things grow and evolve. I wrote a business plan in the beginning and thought of it [as a finished document]. Really, it's the kind of thing that evolves, and I learned to use it to help me plan, like a roadmap.

If you were given $500,000 toward your business, what would you do with it?
That's easy. I would put a team of advisors together to help me systemize this concept and make it into a franchise.

Tell the truth: Is your house a mess?
No, it's really tidy. It needs to be because otherwise I can't get anything done.

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