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June 12, 2017

Deadline for FairPoint’s nonprofit grants is Friday

FairPoint Communications Inc. reported today that 50 organizations have applied for its “connected communities” program that will award three Maine nonprofits $16,000 each plus a custom technology package.

There’s still time to apply: the deadline for online applications is midnight Friday, June 16.

FairPoint Communications (Nasdaq: FRP) launched the grant program on May 22 to recognize nonprofit organizations dedicated to connecting and serving Maine residents and communities.

Any 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Maine is eligible to apply. The application, which can be found here, requires a short narrative on how the organization connects people and improves the lives of residents within their communities, and how use of the internet contributes to its mission.

”We are thrilled by the response we’ve received so far from the non-profit community and impressed beyond measure by the fine work each of them is doing for our state,” said Mike Reed, FairPoint’s Maine state president. “We encourage any interested non-profit organization in the State of Maine to use this final week to submit an application.”

FairPoint Communications will announce the winners in early July and visit each organization to present the awards throughout the summer months.

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