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February 23, 2012

Eight positions cut at Pen Bay Healthcare

Pen Bay Healthcare in Rockland is cutting eight positions in response to an anticipated cut in MaineCare funding and low patient volumes.

In a letter distributed Tuesday, Pen Bay administration said three positions at Mid Coast Mental Health and five at Pen Bay Medical Center have been eliminated in a cost-cutting move, according to VillageSoup. The organization is working to find the affected employees other positions within the organization or elsewhere. No other layoffs are planned. Proposed changes to the state’s MaineCare program are expected to result in a $2 million to $3 million reduction for Pen Bay, according to the media site.

Pen Bay reported a strong 2011, with operating revenues exceeding expenses by $767,000 for the six months ended Sept. 30. Net income over expenses was $1.3 million. The organization is also looking at creating new positions, including pharmacy technicians, who could save Pen Bay money by finding cheaper medicine.

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