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March 25, 2015

Entrepreneurs, funders to meet at ‘matchmaking’ event

Top Gun entrepreneurs from 35 companies plan to meet with potential funders from across the state in a “speed dating” type of format this Thursday at the new TechPlace startup incubator at Brunswick Landing.

The event is being organized by the Maine Center for Entrepreneurial Development, which started the Top Gun program in the fall of 2009 to give a leg up to promising entrepreneurs in the state, as well as the Target Technology Incubator in Orono and the University of Maine Foster Center for Student Innovation.

The group plans to bring in 35 companies from Top Gun classes in Portland, Rockland and Orono.

The companies will meet at 10-minute intervals with financiers including banking professionals, economic development organizations, investment groups and the Governor’s Account Executives from the three regions.

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Orono incubator amasses innovative companies

Top Gun entrepreneurs gain an edge with expert guidance on avoiding mistakes while growing

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