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June 9, 2021

Former law firm CEO Patrick Scully sworn in as member of Maine PUC

Courtesy / Office of Gov. Janet Mills Gov. Janet Mills on Tuesday swore in Patrick Scully as a member of the Maine Public Utilities Commission.

Patrick Scully, former CEO of Portland law firm Bernstein Shur, has joined the Maine Public Utilities Commission, the three-member state panel that regulates electricity, natural gas, water and telecommunications services.

Gov. Janet Mills on Tuesday swore in Scully after his nomination by Mills received a unanimous confirmation vote from the Maine State Senate.

Scully, 64, is “among Maine’s most knowledgeable energy and utilities attorneys,” according to Mills.

“Patrick’s perspective and depth of experience will be a valuable asset to the Maine Public Utilities Commission,” she said in a news release Tuesday. “I thank the Senate for their unanimous confirmation vote and look forward to Commissioner Scully’s work on the PUC.”

Scully told Mainebiz in an interview last month that the complex nature of the commission’s work can make it difficult for the public to take part in the process. “Transparency is one of the challenges for the Commission,” he said. “I would like to make it even more transparent.”

He replaces former PUC member R. Bruce Williamson, whose term ended in March. The three full-time commissioners serve staggered terms of six years and make all decisions by vote or action of the majority.

Scully joined Bernstein Shur in 1984, was named CEO of the firm in January 2014, and retired at the end of 2019. But he told Mainebiz that it was never his intention to "flat-out retire."

He also said that because he backed away from energy work while CEO, he doesn’t anticipate having to recuse himself from cases involving his former firm.

"That should not require recusal unless it's a matter that I was involved with, which is very unlikely at this point," he said.

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