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Updated: June 14, 2021 From the Editor

From the Editor: An L/A story with some serious investment behind it

Lewiston is seeing a surge of investment. Maine’s second-largest city has historic buildings, raw space and ample room for growth. The ingredients have been in place, but now the city is cooking up something special.

As Laurie Schreiber reports, Bates College is investing millions of dollars in STEM education, led by President Clayton Spencer helped in part by an alum and former CEO at a pharmaceutical corporation. See our cover story, “Science on display,” which starts on Page 12.

Elsewhere in the city, developers, including some from Portland, are seeing opportunity in Lewiston’s historic buildings, many of which are being converted for residential use, as Renee Cordes reports. See “Mill-town momentum,” which starts on Page 20.

Further north, our road warrior Maureen Milliken spent time in Rumford, which is seeing a resurgence downtown (on what residents call “the island”). The town has a new hotel and has refurbished much of the downtown infrastructure, both of which attracted a new wave of downtown businesses. There’s more in Maureen’s story, “Rumford rising,” which starts on Page 16.

Our list in this issue is Maine’s largest USDA farm commodity subsidies, which is on Page 26.

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