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Updated: May 30, 2022 From the Editor

From the Editor: Employers are expanding their DEI efforts in Maine

“Corporate responsibility” can include a wide range of duties, but in the past two years there’s been a strong emphasis on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, or DEI. For that reason, two of our stories delve into this issue.

Our cover story, by Senior Writer Renee Cordes, looks at the executives who have been brought in to oversee DEI efforts. Their roles can encompass hiring and company practices and related duties. Among the companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 index, 52% have a DEI officer. But the role is fairly new at many companies in Maine, and is evolving. As one DEI leader told Renee, “I was very clear that I am not a diversity police officer. I am here because I want to get to know you and really be a team builder with folks. When people are afraid to speak up, they don’t show up, and things will start to fester. My approach is to be in a spirit and space of listening, engaging and building community.” See Page 12.

More than a year ago, the Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce worked with members on a pledge to address DEI issues. Staff Writer Jessica Hall talked to the chamber and some of its members to find out what kind of progress has been made. As one executive said, “Our businesses may be in Maine, but our customers reach across the U.S., which is diverse and changing. A company is not going to be successful if they’re not sensitive to the diversity of thought, ideas and desires of their employees and customers. We want firms in Maine that are serving more than Maine.” See Page 20.

In another story, Senior Writer Laurie Schreiber takes a closer look at B Corporations, which must adhere to a strict set of standards for social and environmental performance, accountability and transparency. While there are more than 5,000 certified B Corporations worldwide, the concept is still relatively new in Maine, where there are 11. It sends a message to customers and stakeholders about a company’s values, but B Corp status is also a recruiting tool. As one business leader told Laurie, “This is absolutely a great marketing tool, and helps us attract teammates who are passionate about working for a mission-driven company that puts people before profits.” See Page 16.

For a full list of Maine’s B Corps, see Page 26.

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