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June 9, 2008

Guv creates quality-of-place strategy

Governor John Baldacci has created a state strategy to promote Maine's natural and built assets.

On Friday, Baldacci signed an executive order creating a state "quality of place" investment strategy and a state Quality of Place Council to oversee that strategy, according to a press release from the governor's office. The quality of place investment strategy requires the state Planning Office to convene regional government and economic leaders by Nov. 1 to brainstorm ways to improve and promote Maine's attributes -- from lakes and mountains to downtown areas -- that help define quality of place. Funding will come from state, federal and private sources.

The executive order continues the work of the Governor's Council on Maine's Quality of Place, which submitted its final report to Baldacci in May recommending such a strategy. Among its other recommendations were for state universities and community colleges to offer training in leisure and hospitality, and, at UMS schools, community planning and architecture.

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