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January 14, 2009

Guv pushes Sears Island division

Gov. John Baldacci wants to fast-track a plan to divide Sears Island into development and conservation zones to accommodate a developer's interest in building a cargo port there.

The governor on Tuesday asked the Transportation Committee to approve an executive order to immediately implement findings of the Sears Island Joint Use Planning Committee, which set aside one-third of the 931-acre island for a cargo port and the other two-thirds for preservation, the Bangor Daily News reported. A vote on the order was tabled until Thursday. The Transportation Committee approved the proposal two months ago but delayed its implementation until the Department of Transportation could complete a lengthy permitting process for port development. DOT commissioner David Cole said there had been some "unsolicited interest" about developing a port on the island, which prompted the governor's request yesterday, the paper reported. A consulting company in November 2007released a report that said a container port on Sears Island could generate as much as $3.6 billion in economic activity in Maine.

Sears Island has for decades been eyed by developers for projects, including a nuclear power plant, oil refinery, aluminum smelter, liquid natural gas facility and cargo port. All met with resistance from environmentalists.


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