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March 31, 2021

Hey entrepreneurs, here's how to make the perfect pitch

Whether you are making a pitch to the judges of a business competition like “Greenlight Maine,” meeting with investors to inject capital into your company, or pitching yourself to advance your career and land that dream job, the perfect pitch involves pre-planning. 

Here are 10 tips for making the perfect pitch:

Identify your target audience

As you are planning your pitch, think about how you can best connect with the audience, both with your choice of language and your talking points.  Maybe they are not your customers, but they are most likely connected to your customers in some way through family, friends, and colleagues.  If you are likeable, your audience will deliver your message again and again to your customers. Your audience will become brand ambassadors for your brand. 

Find solutions

Figure out the greatest problem faced by your target audience avatar and then provide the solution. How you can help them solve their greatest problem? Imagine what keeps them up at night, and how you can help them sleep peacefully all night long. When you start by uncovering a need, you’re halfway there. Remember, necessity is the mother of invention.  

Create a 'message map' with a series of sound bites

Boil down your thoughts to basic terms or nuggets so you can speak concisely and clearly. At the center of your message map, write out your key message. Repeat that message several times during your pitch so your audience remembers your most important point. 

A pitch is personal, so make it personal

Your audience needs you to be "hooked" or captivated by you and what you are saying.  The best way to do this is to share your personal story. People like to hear how your business evolved. Your story is what they will remember you by and will allow them to see you as a real person. 

Differentiate yourself

This is important. You must share what sets you apart from the pack. Tell them how you are different. Answer the question, why should they choose you or why will your story resonate with them?

Don’t ignore the competition

Chances are you have a lot of competition. That's OK and is to be expected. However, people want to hear your honesty and then want to know why they should choose your business before anyone else. People will trust you if you are up front and honest while educating them on what's out there for choices. Follow up with telling them all the reasons they should choose you.

Practice makes for the perfect pitch

Practice in front of the mirror or videotape yourself and play it back so you can see and hear yourself. It’s ok if your pitch changes and evolves. If you are growing both personally and professionally, then it should change. Keep it fresh and update it often.

Never memorize, just pitch 

You should never memorize your pitch. You need to be able to talk about your company like you are on autopilot. You should pitch countless times and every opportunity you get because it will give you the confidence you need to take your business to the next level. Pitching should be the easiest part of your business. You are the best salesperson because no one knows your business like you do. You will shine, and it will set you apart from the pack, and make people want to do business with you.

Pitch the audience

Always remember you are talking to a real audience that needs what you are selling. People like to be entertained. If they react to what you are saying, then involve them somehow.  Agree with them and or answer their questions you hear them saying under their breath. This will keep your audience engaged until the very end and you will be more likely to make the sale.

Close the deal

At the end of your pitch, ask for their business. You risk wasting your pitch if you don’t ask them to take action in some way. Maybe it’s another decision maker you are asking to meet with or advancing to the next round of a pitch competition. And when you ask for their business, make sure your word choice is perfect.  Make it difficult for someone to say “No” by making it easier for them to say “Yes” and give you the green light. One option: “Would you be willing to try this?” It’s a polite way of finding a trial close. Finally, believe in yourself, you can do this. Good luck!

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