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December 24, 2020

In response to COVID concerns, Maine delays bans on plastic bags, plastic foam containers

COVID-19 safety concerns have led Maine officials to postpone bans on two forms of plastic packaging, both of which had been scheduled to take effect next month.

A statewide prohibition on polystyrene foam disposable food service containers was to take effect Jan. 1, and a similar restriction on single-use plastic carry-out bags would have begun Jan. 15. Both measures were enacted last year by the state Legislature.

File Photo / William Hall
Single-use plastic grocery bags, like this one from Hannaford Supermarkets, were due to be outlawed in Maine next month.

But the state Department of Environmental Protection this week said it won’t enforce the bans until July 1, citing the effects of the pandemic.

The increase in takeout food service and other changes in consumer buying over the past nine months have disrupted the availability of alternatives to disposable plastic bags and boxes, according to a DEP news release. There’s more demand for paper bags and reusable plastic ones.

In addition, because of the risk of coronavirus transmission, many retailers have asked customers not to bring reusable bags from home, moving consumers back to store-supplied single-use bags. Safety protocols have also led to greater caution in handling food and beverages, and increased the need for disposable packaging.

The DEP had previously postponed implementation of the plastic-bag ban from its original start date, April 22. Also because of safety concerns, the city of Portland in March suspended the 5-cent charge it had levied on single-use bags since 2015.

In the news release Tuesday, the DEP said the delayed enforcement “is not intended to downplay the importance of eliminating single-use plastic carry-out bags and polystyrene foam disposable food service containers from the waste stream.

“The department strongly encourages those that use single-use plastic carry-out bags and polystyrene foam disposable food service containers to use this additional time to focus on procuring alternatives to these products and on depleting current stocks of these products before the July 1, 2021, enforcement date.”

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