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August 7, 2017


New hires

Maine Restaurant Association and Maine Innkeepers Association hired Kathleen Pierce as director of membership and communications. Pierce was previously a journalist with the Bangor Daily News.

Kennebec Savings Bank hired Adrienne Bennett as vice president and director of marketing and communications. Previously, Bennett was press secretary for Gov. Paul LePage.

Diversified Communications, an international media company in Portland, hired Danielle Ruby as a quality assurance analyst and project manager and Rita Hicks as an account executive. Ruby was previously with Modern Grid Partners while Hicks was with Graphisoft in Waltham, Mass.

Penobscot Community Health Care in Bangor hired Chuck LeBlanc as a chiropractor at Brewer Medical Center. LeBlanc previously established the 207 Chiropractic Pain Center and served at Bruns Chiropractic in Bangor.

Sebago Technics, an engineering consulting firm in South Portland, hired Sarah Hanf, Kendra Ramsell, Cameron Mullen and Ryan Sweetser as civil engineers; Michael Celeste and Brian Williams as survey technicians; Mike Jakubowski as an environmental scientist; and Jimmy Courbron as a project surveyor.

19 Oaks, a marketing and sales company in Portland, hired Marlys Furze as marketing director.

The Chaplaincy Institute of Maine in Portland hired Rev. Catharine Payson as dean of students.

Sevee & Maher Engineers in Cumberland hired Tamara Risser as an environmental engineer. Risser, a Maine-licensed professional engineer, most recently operated her own consulting firm, Bantam Rock.

Maine Manufacturing Extension Partnership in Augusta hired William Jackson as project manager for the Bangor area and Aroostook and Washington counties. Jackson was previously a corporate quality manager at Somic America Inc. in Brewer.

Fluid Imaging Technologies, a laboratory instrumentation manufacturer in Scarborough, hired Tom Buckland as materials manager and Jonathan Mayorquin as shipper, receiver and quality-control tech. Buckland was supply chain manager with Hews Co LLC while Mayorquin was import and export customer service representative at Eimskip USA.

Creative Office Pavilion in Portland hired Jessica Goldstein as an addition to its interior design team.

Drummond Woodsum, a law firm in Portland, hired Kimberly Pacelli as an attorney and consultant in its higher education practice group. Previously, Pacelli was senior associate dean of student affairs at Bowdoin College and associate dean of student life at Harvard College.

Cardente Real Estate in Portland hired Andrew LeBlanc as a commercial broker and Maria Horn as a marketing assistant and graphic designer. LeBlanc was a sales agent with NAI the Dunham Group as well as an associate director at Marcus & Millichap Capital Corp. in Boston, while Horn is a recent graduate of Santa Fe University of Art and Design in New Mexico.

WBRC Architects Engineers in Portland hired Karen Rand as an interior designer. Rand was previously with Ziegler Cooper Architects in Houston, Texas.


First National Bank in Damariscotta promoted Kayla Wilshire to senior deposit operations associate, Shanna Castner to assistant branch manager in Waldoboro, Aleisha Milburn to assistant branch manager in Calais, Chase Smith to retail loan administrator, Kayla Hodgman to collections supervisor, Becca Flaherty to phone center supervisor and Laura Comer and Anne Logue to senior relationship associates with First Advisors, the bank's wealth management and trust business.

Geiger, a promotional products distributor in Lewiston, promoted Brenda Jimenez to junior accountant within the Crestline Finance Department. Jimenez was an order verifier in the total care area.

The MEMIC Group, a workers' compensation specialist in Portland, promoted Kelly Barden to director, corporate communications. Barden was previously communications production manager.

Fontaine Family – The Real Estate Leader in Auburn promoted Marie Beaulieu, associate broker and Realtor, to office manager in Scarborough.

Speaking Up for Us, a self-advocacy organization in Augusta for people living with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, promoted Avery Olmstead to communications and development manager.


The University of Maine Alumni Association elected Stacey Harris, Kristen McAlpine and JoJo Oliphant to three-year terms on its board of directors. Harris is project superintendent at Consigli Construction Co., McAlpine is a business development and corporate sales officer for First National Bank and Oliphant is owner of Bell the Cat, a café in Belfast.

American Association for Justice appointed Berman & Simmons attorney Susan Faunce to serve as state delegate for Maine for a three-year term. Faunce represents clients who have been harmed by personal injury and medical negligence.

Barry McCrum was elected chair and Stephen Rich vice-chair of the EMHS board of directors. McCrum is owner and president of McCrum and Co. while Rich is retired as president and CEO of WBRC Architects/Engineers. In addition, Julie Dawson Williams, realtor and general manager for ERA Dawson Bradford Co. Realtors; Lynn Lombard, retired vice president and director of human resources for MMG Insurance Co.; and Daniel Thornton, Maine president and senior commercial lender for Peoples' United Bank, were elected to the board.

The Maine Manufacturing Extension Partnership in Augusta added Greg Boyd to its board of directors. Boyd is president and CEO of Alternative Manufacturing Inc. in Winthrop.

Skowhegan Savings announced that Carollann Ouellette was elected to its board of directors. Ouellette is executive director of Maine Huts & Trails.


The U.S. Green Building Council awarded the Forefront Brick South LLC project, Brick South Events and Catering on Thompson's Point, with 65 points, making it the first LEED Core and Shell 2009 Gold Pre-certified project in Portland. The project is on the path to full LEED certification and is expected to have the certificate by end of 2017.

William Nugent, attorney and executive director of the Maine Assistance Program for Lawyers and Judges, received the inaugural “Peter J. DeTroy III Award” from the Campaign for Justice. The award honors an individual who has worked to remove barriers for people who are vulnerable or who has worked to advance justice in Maine.

Breast Care Specialists of Maine in Portland, a department of Mercy Hospital, achieved its third three-year full accreditation by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers, which is administered by the American College of Surgeons.

Norway Water District earned the “Safety and Health Award for Public Employers” award from the Maine Department of Labor in recognition of its safety achievement program.

Padebco Full Service Boatyard & Custom Boat Builder in Round Pound was recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration in the “Safety & Health Achievement Recognition Program.”

PROPEL and the Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce presented its inaugural “The Ignition Awards” to Fork Food Lab as “Hustler of the Year.” Social entrepreneurship awards went to Boots2Roots (small business) and Allagash Brewing Co. (large business). Sea Bags won the “Growth Stimulation” award. In addition, Pinky D's Poutine Truck was selected as “Food Truck of the Year.”

Preti Flaherty, a law firm in Portland, said attorney Bodie Colwell is scheduled to participate in the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges' Next Generation Program in October. Colwell is one of 40 young attorneys participating in the program.

Amanda Bartlett was honored by the American Institute of CPAs as a member of the Leadership Academy's ninth graduating class. Bartlett is assistant treasurer at Dead River Co. in Portland.

The Institute of Museum and Library Sciences presented a “2017 National Medal for Museum and Library Service” to the Waterville Public Library. The annual award is given to only 10 institutions nationwide.

Scott Macha, a detailer at Total Eclipse Auto Detailing in Yarmouth, was selected for a position on the Air Force One Detailing Team at Seattle's Museum of Flight.

Franklin Memorial Hospital in Farmington was recognized as a collective system on the 19th annual “Health Care's Most Wired” survey by the American Hospital Association's Health Forum. Most-wired hospitals and health systems are using telehealth and remote monitoring within their member hospitals to create more ways for patients to access health care services and capture health information.

HotelsCombined, a national hotel price comparison platform, named Morrill Mansion Bed & Breakfast in Portland as the “Best Hotel in a Metropolitan Area” in Maine and The Dunes on the Waterfront in Ogunquit its “Best Small City Hotel in Maine” in its Recognition of Excellence awards.

The Maine Crafts Association, a statewide non-profit organization promoting the work of Maine's craft artists, named artist Anna Hepler of Eastport as the 2017 recipient of its “Master Craft Artist Award.”

Green Acres Kennel Shop in Bangor was voted the Bangor Region's “Best Kennel” for the 16th consecutive year in a survey conducted by Market Surveys of America and the GKM Independent Survey Co.

The Island Institute in Rockland said its Island Fellows Program was recognized as the “2017 Outstanding Program” by the Community Development Society, a national professional society for practitioners of community development.

Laura Rowe, account manager at GHM Insurance Agency in Waterville, completed the Certified Insurance Counselors Agency Management Institute.

The National Auctioneers Association inducted Thomas Saturley into its Hall of Fame. Saturley is president of Tranzon Auction Properties in Portland.

The Maine Small Business Development Centers, a state-wide program that supports entrepreneurs to start or expand their businesses, selected Joshua Nadeau as its “2017 State Star.” Nadeau is a center director and certified business advisor at the Maine SBDC at Northern Maine Development Commission in Caribou.

The Portland Water District was awarded the “Distinguished Budget Presentation Award” from the Government Finance Officers Association.

The Maine Commercial Association of Realtors named Katie Millett, NAI The Dunham Group, as its “2017 Realtor of the Year.”

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