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July 27, 2009

Lack of oversight worries lawmakers

Lawmakers on the Legislature's appropriations committee are raising the alarm about the lack of state oversight of the millions of dollars from the federal stimulus act disbursed throughout the state.

Several members of the committee told the Bangor Daily News they are concerned about accountability of the American Recover y and Reinvestment Act funds, only a portion of which is channeled through state review. "I have multiple concerns about the ARRA or stimulus money both meeting their intended purposes and the extent to which they are bypassing state budgeting processes," said Rep. Sawin Millett, (R-Waterford), the leading GOP member on the panel and a former state finance commissioner. "I am comfortable about those chunks that have gone through this committee and the budgeting process, but that is only part of the money coming into the state."

Millett said of the committee reviewed ARRA money intended for Medicaid reimbursements and education efforts, but that was only about half of the $1.4 billion expected to come to Maine. His concerns were echoed by Democratic co-chairs of the committee, including Bill Diamond, (D-Windham), who told the paper that as the committee meets through the summer and fall to find ways to reduce state spending, it also will hear updates on recovery funds and how they are being used.

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