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November 21, 2011

Lawsuit challenges Boat School sale

Two Eastport residents are suing the city over its plan to sell The Boat School, claiming the $375,000 sale price is well below the property's assessed value.

In their suit, David Gholson and Phyllis Bradbury argue the city did not properly appraise the property, which is assessed at $2.2 million, and failed to put it out to bid as required by city charter, the Bangor Daily News reported. City councilors in September approved selling the school and the 17-acre property to Perry Marine, a joint venture between CPM Contractors in Freeport and Morrison Manufacturing in Perry. The company plans to use it to handle tidal turbine work for Ocean Renewable Power Co., and give some of the space to The Friends of the Boat School to continue running the marine education facility. The sale was originally slated to occur this month.

Both the city and CPM Constructors have filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, but the action has not been ruled on yet. The city acquired the property in 2007 and leased the school to Husson University.

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