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April 15, 2011

LePage reflects on first 100 days

In a response to Democratic criticisms, Gov. Paul LePage agreed his administration has not accomplished enough during its first 100 days in office, but placed the blame on partisan opposition.

LePage's press conference yesterday followed a joint event held Wednesday by Senate and House Democrats, in which they said the administration hasn't focused on job creation as LePage initially promised, according to a press release from the Senate Democratic Office. They expressed frustration with the administration's "distractions and extreme agenda focused on rolling back child labor laws and environmental protections," according to the release.

LePage, however, said a lack of accomplishments isn't because "Republicans aren't trying," but because "the loyal opposition...say no to everything," according to MaineToday Media. He also said Democrats should do more to propose alternatives if they dislike certain initiatives. He also defended his record, citing the supplemental budget that included paying off $248 million in reimbursements to state hospitals.

LePage said he's focused on the next 60 days, which is how much time is left before the Legislature adjourns in mid-June. Priorities for the next two months include pension, tax and health care reforms, according to The Associated Press.

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