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October 17, 2008

Lincoln group calls for wind ban

A group of residents in Lincoln opposed to a proposed $120 million wind farm are pushing for a moratorium to block the project.

Friends of Lincoln Lakes plans to ask the town council and planning board next week for a moratorium on all pending wind projects, saying that the town hasn’t had enough time to study the wind farm’s potential impact on wildlife, according to the Bangor Daily News. Developer Evergreen Wind Power, a subsidiary of Massachusetts-based First Wind, is proposing a 40-turbine wind farm that stretches along a ridge through Burlington, Lincoln, Lee and Winn, and plans to apply for building permits with Lincoln’s planning board by the end of the year.

Friends of Lincoln Lakes also questions whether the town should do business with First Wind, which is currently being investigated by the New York State Attorney General’s Office for allegations of improper dealings with public officials and anti-competitive practices. A lawsuit against First Wind has also been filed in New York regarding the company’s project in Prattsburgh, N.Y., according to The Quoddy Tides. First Wind already operates a 28-turbine wind farm at Mars Hill in Aroostook County and is constructing another 38-turbine wind farm at Stetson Mountain in Danforth, in Washington County.

Friends of Lincoln Lakes is the second Maine group to seek a wind farm moratorium. A group of residents in Fort Kent is currently collecting signatures for a petition that calls for an 180-day moratorium on construction commercial wind power facilities, in response to Texas-based Horizon Wind’s efforts to locate a wind farm in that area, according to the Daily News.

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