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November 1, 2007

LURC staff backs wind project

The staff of the Land Use Regulation Commission this week recommended the approval of the Stetson Mountain wind project, a 38-turbine wind farm proposed for northern Washington County, according to the Bangor Daily News.

LURC staff said the wind farm, which if built today would be the largest in New England, would have "low potential" for undue impacts on natural resources or public use of the area, would offer economic development to Washington County and help diversify Maine's energy sector, the paper said. UPC Wind Management, which is proposing the project, is based in Newton, Mass., and also is the company behind the Mars Hill wind farm in Aroostook County.

An endorsement from LURC staff, which supports the commission members, does not mean the project will receive LURC approval. The commission rejected the controversial Redington Wind Farm near Carrabassett Valley after the LURC staff endorsed it. The commission members are expected to vote on the Stetson Mountain project next week, the paper said.

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