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April 30, 2013

Maine Audubon opposes East-West highway

Leaders of the 15,000-member Maine Audubon Society have come out against a proposed east-west highway through Maine.

The organization announced its opposition Tuesday to the proposal initiated by Cianbro CEO Peter Vigue, who says a private highway running from Calais to Coburn Gore would provide an economic boost to the region.

Ted Koffman, executive director of Maine Audubon, said in a statement that the organization recognizes economic challenges to the areas through which the highway would pass but that the environmental costs outweigh "unproven economic benefits."

The announcement comes just before the Legislature's Transportation Committee is scheduled to hold public hearings on six bills dealing, in varying degrees, with the east-west highway proposal.

The proposal has so far won support from the Somerset County Economic Development Corp. and the Greater Franklin Economic Development Corp.

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