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December 24, 2020

Maine buying its fourth order of COVID-19 vaccine, but less than originally estimated

The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention today is purchasing its fourth order for doses of COVID-19 vaccine, giving the state enough of the new medicine to inoculate nearly 65,000 Mainers.

The CDC planned to order doses Thursday for 19,125 people through the federal government’s Operation Warp Speed, according to a news release. The order represents the maximum currently available to Maine.

Since Dec. 15, 8,001 frontline health care workers have received COVID-19 vaccinations, the CDC said.

Maine’s newest request for vaccine comprises 10,725 doses from Pfizer Inc. and 8,400 doses from Moderna Inc. Both vaccines have recently received emergency use authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The new batch of vaccine doses will go to long-term care facilities and pharmacies serving long-term care patients through a federal program. A previous allotment included distribution to hospitals and emergency medical services.

The CDC noted in the release that Maine’s allotments have been less than the amounts that Operation Warp Speed estimated would be provided.

"Virtually all of the first week’s allotment of vaccines for Maine have been provided to front-line health workers,” said CDC Director Dr. Nirav D. Shah. “But we have much work to do to ensure all our health care providers get the vaccine as efficiently and equitably as possible."

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