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August 27, 2007

Maine Med seeks new medical program

Maine Medical Center wants to create a new medical school program to encourage more Maine students to enter the health profession.

Maine Med officials are negotiating with the University of Vermont, Tufts University and Dartmouth College to find a partner for the new program, which it is hoped would begin in the fall of 2010, according to the Portland Press Herald. While creating a new medical school in Maine could take up to a decade and cost $80 million, this program would "capture the value for the state of Maine of a new medical school, without the need of the expense and the time," Vince Conti, Maine Med's president and CEO, told the paper. The program, which would have 20 slots reserved for Maine students, would consist of a curriculum developed jointly by Maine Med and the partner school, and focus on rural medicine and research, the paper said.

Maine currently does not have a medical school that graduates doctors of medicine. The University of New England in Biddeford graduates doctors of osteopathy, which generally focus on preventive care and a more holistic approach to medicine.

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