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November 14, 2019

Maine toy retailer changes hands, from one couple to another

Just in time for the holidays, a toy retailer with locations in Bath, Freeport and Yarmouth has new owners filling naughty-and-nice lists. 

Anita and Jim Demotropolus have sold Island Treasure Toys to Emily and Paul Drappi, according to a news release Wednesday. Terms were not disclosed.

two couples standing with toys
Courtesy / Island Treasure Toys
From left, Emily and Paul Drappi, the new owners of Island Treasure, and Jim and Anita Demotropolus, the founders.

The Demotropoluses founded Island Treasure in 2001 at their home on Littlejohn Island, “where our youngest daughter would spend many hours on the beach combing for treasures,” the couple say on their website.

They moved the business to Yarmouth Village in 2002 and later expanded to larger space in the town at 805 U.S. Route 1. The 3,000-square-foot Freeport store, at 20 Bow St., opened in 2011. A Bath branch opened in 2013, and moved last year to 70 Front St.

Together, the Drappis have more than 30 years of retail experience, they said in the release. The couple met while working at Wayfair LLC, the online home furnishings company with call centers in Brunswick and Bath. Paul was in customer service and sales and Emily did marketing.

They have two sons, Leo and Marty, and became acquainted with Island Treasure Toys while shopping for them.

“We have enjoyed shopping at Island Treasure with our boys for years, and we couldn’t be more excited to participate in the Maine community in this new way,” said Emily Drappi.

Anita Demotropolus said, “Jim and I are thrilled to pass the torch to Paul and Emily and couldn't have asked for a better match. They are excited to take over what we have built and make it their own.”

Island Treasure specializes in “creative play” toys, with large selections of classic brands like LEGO and Playmobil. The Yarmouth and Bath stores also feature gift items, and the company has an extensive online catalog.

The Drappis are kicking off the holiday season with a sale in all three locations from Nov. 16-24, according to the release.

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