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August 8, 2012

MMA in Limestone receives $40M for Humvee work

The National Guard Bureau will provide $40 million to Maine Military Authority in Limestone for Humvee maintenance, according to a press release from U.S. Rep. Mike Michaud.

The new funding will allow MMA to rehire 26 workers who were laid off last year, as well as produce approximately 727 additional vehicles for the National Guard Bureau through May 31, 2013.

"This funding will not only provide the National Guard with fully refurbished vehicles, but it's also a shot in the arm for the local economy with the re-employment of a number of highly skilled workers," said Michaud in the release. "MMA has shown again and again that they can produce a top-quality vehicle at an extremely efficient rate. I know they will continue their track record of excellence with this new funding."

In June, MMA received a $100,000 federal emergency grant to help employment efforts for 75 laid-off workers.

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