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April 17, 2014

NEA awards $827K to Maine arts groups

Rep. Chellie Pingree announced Wednesday that the Maine Arts Commission would receive a $720,000 National Endowment for the Arts grant and that several Portland-area arts groups would receive a total of $107,500 in NEA grants.

Pingree serves on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies, which oversees funding for the NEA.

“Maine has established itself as a national leader in the creative economy and these grants will help build that reputation even further by supporting some spectacular projects,” Pingree said in a press release announcing the award. “At the same time, these funds will generate further investment in the community and help keep Maine a vibrant place where people want to live and work.”

On average, the release stated, each dollar in grants from the NEA generates $9 in investments from non-federal sources.

Grant totals for the Maine recipients are:

  • $720,000 to the Maine Arts Commission will be used to award subgrants that will fund arts and arts education projects throughout the state.
  • $35,000 to the City of Portland for the production and tour of Hearts, Minds, and Homes, a performance project exploring issues of gentrification and homelessness in the city.
  • $30,000 to the Portland Museum of Art for a major collection reinstallation and publication of the museum’s first collection catalog.
  • $30,000 to Portland Ovations to support three separate productions: bringing Chicago-based dance company Lucky Plush Production to Portland; having a New York-based music ensemble perform at Victoria Mansion; and school-day and evening performances of The Nile Project, a collective of artists from cultures along the Nile River.
  • $12,500 to Portland Opera Repertory Company to support a summer performance of Rigoletto and a fall film festival of works by young artists.

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