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September 23, 2009

New report opposes TABOR II

The most recent ballot measure to cap taxes and spending is taking some new knocks.

Tuesday, the Washington, D.C.-based Center on Budget and Policy Priorities announced its opposition to the grassroots proposal, saying the Taxpayer Bill of Rights II, or TABOR II, would force significant cuts to education, highway funds and other public service programs. The restrictions this year would be especially damaging, the report said, because of the recession, according to the Bangor Daily News.

The ballot measure also lost the support of Maine's largest business organization, the Maine State Chamber of Commerce, after the group failed to reach a consensus on TABOR II, reported Maine Public Broadcasting Network. The chamber had endorsed the proposal at a legislative hearing in April.

Backers of the TABOR II downplayed the developments, asserting that the proposal would benefit Maine taxpayers and put a portion of excess state revenues into a rainy day fund to cover budget shortfalls, according to the Daily News. Campaign chairman David Crocker also minimized the chamber's action, noting that the group elected to remain neutral on the measure. The state chamber opposed the 2006 TABOR initiative, reported MPBN.

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