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October 15, 2012

Our 2012 Next List

From top-left to bottom-right, this year's 2012 Nexters are: Keri Seitz, CEO, FHC Inc.; Adam Wintle, Managing director, Biogas Energy Partners; Susan Shaw, Executive director, Marine Environmental Research Institute; John Hallé, President and CEO, Cate Street Capital; Luke Livingston, President, Baxter Brewing Co.; Jean Maginnis, Founder and executive director, Maine Center for Creativity; Don Gooding, Executive director, Maine Center for Entrepreneurial Development; Fortunat Mueller and Phil Coupe, Founders and managing partners, ReVision Energy; Stephanie Volo, President, Planet Dog

It's hard to look ahead with any kind of certainty when all you hear about are "looming fiscal cliffs," "sequestration" and congressional inaction.

So in this issue, we're offering a little stability to counter those unknowns: our 2012 Next List.

It's our annual compendium of Maine entrepreneurs and innovators who are shaping Maine's economy in a good way. And the 2012 class is exceptional — from the CEO of an equity firm that plans to invest $250 million in Maine over the next five years to the top executive of a little-known, $10 million company that makes equipment for brain surgeons; from solar-power standouts to the top dog of a company as dedicated to philanthropy as it is to man's best friend.

So take a breather from all that hand wringing and turn to the next page where we introduce the first of our 10 Nexters. You'll be inspired, I'm certain.

Read about each of our 2012 Nexters:

Read more

Stephanie Volo keeps Planet Dog on track with its mission and market

Fortunat Mueller and Phil Coupe shine light on renewable power

Don Gooding trains Maine entrepreneurs

Jean Maginnis connects art, business to drive Maine's economy

Luke Livingston launches brewery, trend bringing commerce to Lewiston

John Hallé banks on new industries in Maine's wood basket

Susan Shaw fights pollutants to keep Maine's coast open for business

Adam Wintle energizes his family farm with an innovative new business

FHC's Keri Seitz keeps focus on brain surgery

Stephanie Volo keeps Planet Dog on track with its mission and market

Fortunat Mueller and Phil Coupe shine light on renewable power

Don Gooding trains Maine entrepreneurs

Jean Maginnis connects art, business to drive Maine's economy

Luke Livingston launches brewery, trend bringing commerce to Lewiston

John Hallé banks on new industries in Maine's wood basket

Adam Wintle energizes his family farm with an innovative new business

FHC's Keri Seitz keeps focus on brain surgery

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