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May 15, 2009

Portland jetport to expand summer service

Airlines serving the Portland International Jetport plan to fly roomier aircraft and add flights and destinations this summer.

The carrier's announcements are in line with the jetport's predictions for future growth, Jetport Manager Paul Bradbury said in a press release. "The Jetport recorded its best ever year for passenger numbers last year and although this year's figures are down comparatively, they are still amongst the highest for the last decade," he said.

Last month, 121,642 passengers passed through the jetport, the third-largest April showing on record.

The jetport's carriers announced the following service updates:

• AirTran Airways will add an another daily flight to Baltimore and a new nonstop service to Atlanta beginning June 11
• Delta will add another roundtrip, nonstop flight to Atlanta and, beginning in July, larger regional jets and MD-88 mainline service
• Delta/Northwest will add new regular nonstop service to Minneapolis
• Continental Airways will add two more Cleveland flights over the next two months
• United Airlines will add another flight to Chicago starting June 4
• JetBlue will use larger aircraft in Portland during at least the summer months


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