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September 18, 2009

Stimulus funds for ex-NewPage workers

The workers losing their jobs at the NewPage paper mill in Rumford will benefit from a $320,000 emergency grant that the U.S. Department of Labor announced yesterday.

The grant, which will be administered by the Central/Western Maine Workforce Investment Board, will provide the workers, all of whom are also certified by the labor department as eligible for Trade Adjustment Assistance, with access to "wrap-around" and supportive services - such as dependent care and transportation assistance - that are not available through the TAA program. "Today's grant will provide employment-related services that are crucial to finding new jobs in burgeoning areas of the economy," Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis said in a statement.

NewPage said on Sept. 11 that it would idle indefinitely one of its paper machines, affecting 100 positions, although not necessarily 100 workers. The number of workers laid off is not known.

The $323,565 National Emergency Grant is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.


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