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June 13, 2012

Summers, Dill win Senate primary bids

Secretary of State Charlie Summers won the Republican primary nomination for the  U.S. Senate at the polls yesterday, while state Sen. Cynthia Dill earned the Democrat nomination.

Summers won 30% of the vote, beating five other Republican candidates, including Attorney General William Schneider and Treasurer Bruce Poliquin, according to the Portland Press Herald. Poliquin was second with 23% of the votes. Dill, of Cape Elizabeth, beat out three other Democrats with 45% of the vote. The two will face former Gov. Angus King and three other Independent candidates on the November ballot for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Olympia Snowe.

In the 2nd Congressional District race, Maine Senate President Kevin Raye came out on top in the Republican contest over Blaine Richardson of Belfast, with 58% of the vote, according to the paper. He'll face incumbent Mike Michaud.

As of this morning, the votes are too close to determine a winner in the 1st Congressional District Republican primary, according to the Bangor Daily News. Senate Majority Leader Jon Courtney and Patrick Calder of Portland were separated by just 100 votes as of 9 a.m., with Courtney holding a slim lead. Three towns are left to report.

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