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1 hour ago

Two Maine municipalities recognized for downtown revitalization efforts

Van Buren review committee PHOTO / COURTESY Maine Downtown Center Members of the Maine Downtown Center visited Van Buren as part of its review for revitalization support.

The city of Waterville and the town of Van Buren are being inducted into the Maine Downtown Center affiliate program, in recognition of their commitment to revitalization.

The program comes under the Maine Development Foundation umbrella and provides municipalities with access to training by state and national experts, information on best practices, and a network of peers from around the state. 

Waterville and Van Buren each have volunteer committees which will be focusing over the next year on building relationships with businesses, residents, and property owners to review downtown assets and priorities for revitalization.
Luke Dyer, Van Buren town manager, said in a press release, “This designation reinforces our commitment to economic growth, historic preservation, and creative placemaking, ensuring a vibrant and sustainable future for Van Buren."  
Michael Hall, community development specialist for the city of Waterville commented, "This partnership equips us with the tools, resources, and momentum to supercharge our revitalization, strengthen local businesses, and cement Waterville’s place as the most vibrant downtown in central Maine." 
The Maine Development Foundation program supports 30 member communities in Maine. Some are in the initial stages of revitalization, others are working toward national Main Street accreditation. Established in 1999, the center is the state coordinator for the national program which helps communities revitalize their historic downtowns.

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