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May 15, 2009

Union trial in Bath ends

A union-run trial has ended for the former officers of Bath Iron Works' largest union who were suspended last year for alleged financial mismanagement. A ruling isn't expected for at least a month.

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers held the trial for three officers of the Local S6 -- President Mike Keenan, Chief Bath Steward Mike Cyr and Local Trustee Cathy London -- who were suspended in March 2008 after the parent union placed the local BIW branch into trusteeship. The parent union accused the local officers of, among other things, financial mismanagement and viewing pornography on union-owned computers. Keenan has been vocal in his denial of the allegations and has sued the parent union.

Keenan and the others could be barred from holding elective office with the union if they are found guilty by the three-member panel, which will make a recommendation for or against disciplinary action to Thomas Buffenbarger, the president of the national union, a spokesperson for the union told the Portland Press Herald.



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