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May 9, 2011

Work saves jobs at Maine Military Authority

New work refurbishing military vehicles at Maine Military Authority in Limestone is expected to avoid more layoffs.

The northern Maine company has secured work to service 50 five-ton trucks for the U.S. Army National Guard, according to a press release from U.S. Sen. Susan Collins. Each vehicle represents 700 hours of work and is expected to keep the company's current work force of 200 employed until fiscal year 2012. CEO Tim Corbett told the Bangor Daily News the company planned to lay off 50 workers this summer.

In March, Maine Military Authority laid off 150 people due to a dropoff in federal work orders. The company did not receive its customary Department of Defense funding, as a federal earmark failed to pass Congresss due to the United States' shrinking military presence in Iraq. Collins, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Senate Defense Appropriations Committee, urged Army leadership to find additional work for the facility.

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