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The existing lift is over 50 years old. The new lift will feature technology such as a touchscreen interface that eases system operations and maintenance.
Bar Harbor is No. 1 on a list of the "Best Small Towns to Visit in the USA in 2023-2024," published by U.S. News and World Report, while Kennebunkport is No. 21.
The new business aims to capitalize on the popularity of the country's fastest-growing sport.
Boosting diversity in the industry is a priority for the new head of the Maine Brewers' Guild, Shea Cusick, who started as executive director of the trade association on May 1.
There’s a lot of conversation about enticing youth to remain in Maine as they enter the workforce. A young Washington County couple are creating their own reasons to stay.
The $50 million, multi-year redevelopment will include exterior and interior upgrades. Open flow, connectivity and updated infrastructure are part of the plan
Guest columnist Liz Johnston, a labor lawyer at Verrill, says that while summer is a busy time for many businesses in Maine, it's important not to lose sight of key labor laws.
Whether a business in the sector operates seasonally or year-round, the influx of summer tourists requires it to add workers or throw away financial opportunities. In 2022, Maine tourists extended their stays and spent a record $8.6 billion.
The Drive Fore Kids celebrity golf invitational, taking place in June at the Falmouth Country Club, aims to raise a minimum of $100,000 for the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital.
The town is in the midst of a dispute over whether the number of cruise ships and their passengers strains resources, or if they are a welcome source of tourism-related revenue.
Village gateway hubs are expected to provide increased safe off-road parking and pedestrian walkways to village amenities and recreational opportunities.
According to a Maine Tourism Association poll of its members, only 29% said they have sufficient staff for the coming tourism season.
Family ownership of the property dates back generations. The motel was built in 1976. The seller looked for a buyer who would appreciate the property. “We were lucky to find someone like that,” he said.
Family-owned Hodgman's Frozen Custard announced the closure on social media.
Hotel development is booming in sync with tourism trends. New construction and renovations are underway from southern Maine to Aroostook County, with focal points on spaces and amenities that meet evolving customer expectations while also
While Vacationland boasts plenty of unique attractions and tour possibilities, the state’s lure for large meetings and events is limited by a variety of factors.
Leisure travel has always been the bread and butter of Maine’s hospitality industry — summer travelers. As Maine’s tourism industry continues to push the boundaries of the summer and “shoulder” seasons, it’s also looking at ways to bring in more