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Poll results

Summer is here, in case you had any doubt.

Temperatures and humidity levels are high. (Sometimes, depending on summer traffic, tempers are too.) Maine hotels and restaurants are booked. Tourist attractions are in full swing.

Monday, July 15, is also the midpoint between the two bookends of summer — Memorial Day, May 27, and Labor Day, Sept. 2.

So check your calendars.

Are you taking more vacation time this summer, away from work, than during last summer?
More than last year. (29%, 66 VOTES)
About the same as last year. (42%, 94 VOTES)
Less than last year. (16%, 36 VOTES)
Summer vacation? What's that? (13%, 30 VOTES)
Poll Description

Summer is here, in case you had any doubt.

Temperatures and humidity levels are high. (Sometimes, depending on summer traffic, tempers are too.) Maine hotels and restaurants are booked. Tourist attractions are in full swing.

Monday, July 15, is also the midpoint between the two bookends of summer — Memorial Day, May 27, and Labor Day, Sept. 2.

So check your calendars.

  • 226 Votes

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