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Poll results

Sponsored by: GoNetspeed, a fiber internet provider

Federal lawmakers on Wednesday will begin closed-door discussions with 10 tech leaders on regulating what some people fear is already unregulatable: artificial intelligence.

According to the New York Times, members of Congress will listen to A.I. gurus including Elon Musk of Tesla, Sundar Pichai of Google, Sam Altman of OpenAI and Satya Nadella of Microsoft.

The “A.I. insight forums," led by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-New York, are intended to educate Congress about the risks posed by A.I. to jobs, intellectual property and information sharing.

Lawmakers will also learn about how the technology may create opportunities in fields such as biomedical research.

Are you worried about the potential impact of artificial intelligence on your industry or business?
Yes, I see A.I. as a potential source of competition (7%, 11 VOTES)
Yes, I see A.I. as a potential source of chaos and disruption (37%, 61 VOTES)
No, I see A.I. more as a potential aid or tool (32%, 53 VOTES)
No, I don't see A.I. as having much of an impact anytime soon (9%, 15 VOTES)
Not sure, I can't yet predict the impact of A.I. (16%, 26 VOTES)
Poll Description

Sponsored by: GoNetspeed, a fiber internet provider

Federal lawmakers on Wednesday will begin closed-door discussions with 10 tech leaders on regulating what some people fear is already unregulatable: artificial intelligence.

According to the New York Times, members of Congress will listen to A.I. gurus including Elon Musk of Tesla, Sundar Pichai of Google, Sam Altman of OpenAI and Satya Nadella of Microsoft.

The “A.I. insight forums," led by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-New York, are intended to educate Congress about the risks posed by A.I. to jobs, intellectual property and information sharing.

Lawmakers will also learn about how the technology may create opportunities in fields such as biomedical research.

  • 166 Votes

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