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Poll results

Sponsored by: GoNetspeed, a fiber internet provider

On Election Day, just five weeks away, Mainers will be asked whether the state should buy out Central Maine Power and Versant Power and replace them with a customer-owned, nonprofit utility.

Backers say the new entity, dubbed Pine Tree Power and overseen by a publicly elected board, would deliver lower-cost, more reliable electricity.

Opponents including CMP, Versant and Gov. Janet Mills dispute that claim, and point out that Maine would have to borrow billions of dollars in order to take over the two investor-owned companies.

There's disagreement about other points, too. Pine Tree Power supporters cite examples of consumer-owned utilities that have successfully reduced electric rates and improved service. However, the examples involve small, local utilities; no other state has placed control of its entire electric system under a single operator.

For good or bad, passing the Pine Tree Power referendum would mean profound changes for Maine businesses and consumers.

Do you favor the proposal to replace CMP and Versant with a publicly controlled utility, Pine Tree Power?
Yes, I support the creation of Pine Tree Power (16%, 97 VOTES)
No, I do not support the creation of Pine Tree Power (77%, 477 VOTES)
I'm weighing the question, but haven't decided (6%, 40 VOTES)
I don't know enough about the issue (1%, 7 VOTES)
Poll Description

Sponsored by: GoNetspeed, a fiber internet provider

On Election Day, just five weeks away, Mainers will be asked whether the state should buy out Central Maine Power and Versant Power and replace them with a customer-owned, nonprofit utility.

Backers say the new entity, dubbed Pine Tree Power and overseen by a publicly elected board, would deliver lower-cost, more reliable electricity.

Opponents including CMP, Versant and Gov. Janet Mills dispute that claim, and point out that Maine would have to borrow billions of dollars in order to take over the two investor-owned companies.

There's disagreement about other points, too. Pine Tree Power supporters cite examples of consumer-owned utilities that have successfully reduced electric rates and improved service. However, the examples involve small, local utilities; no other state has placed control of its entire electric system under a single operator.

For good or bad, passing the Pine Tree Power referendum would mean profound changes for Maine businesses and consumers.

  • 621 Votes

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  • October 4, 2023

    Seventy-five years ago, the government created the Maine Turnpike Authority, and they were to collect tolls until that bond was paid off. Today, over 300 employees are working for the MTA, showing that our government has a history of not following through on its promises. If we want better and cheaper electricity, we must keep the government out of creating another state-run monopoly. How about we increase the competition for providers? Nope, our rulers in Augusta want to take it over, and then we will all pay the price. I genuinely appreciate the CMP workers out in the storms getting our power back on. Still, I do not appreciate the politicians in Augusta trying to increase their power over the citizens of Maine.

  • October 3, 2023

    Government almost NEVER runs anything as efficiently as private businesses do. And, even if we wanted a publicly owned utility, they should not be allowed to just take over privately owned businesses.

  • October 3, 2023

    not a good idea to have a utility's management voted in by the public. Just look at what's going on in Washington and our public elections. They should not have that kind of political power for something as necessary as the power grid. NO< NO< NO!

  • October 2, 2023

    I think it is really important that Mainer understand that this ballot referendum specifically does not use state funds or allow the state to control our electricity. This would be a new nonprofit (Pine Tree Power) that the people of Maine would have control over as opposed to the current model which is allowing Spanish/Canadian elites to set our prices. Give control back to Mainers! Don't listen to Janet Mills and her fellow CMP backers. Vote Yes On Pine Tree Power!