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In a unanimous resolution opposing the war in Gaza, the Portland City Council last week said the city will divest funds from many companies doing business in Israel.

The resolution directs the city manager to eliminate any current holdings — and forego future investment — in "all entities complicit in the current and ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and occupation of Palestine.”

The resolution refers to a “divestment list” with dozens of corporations. They include technology companies, financial institutions, manufacturers and defense contractors such as General Dynamics, the parent company of Bath Iron Works.

Portland currently does not hold investments in any companies on the list, but has in the past, the city's finance director told the council.

The council's action has drawn massive outpourings of both criticism and support. They reflect the sharp divide in public opinion about Israel's invasion of Gaza — which has killed more than 40,000 people, and was sparked by the Oct. 7, 2023, terror attack in which Hamas fighters killed 1,200 people in Israel and took some 250 hostages.

Some members of the business community also have responded to the Portland City Council's action.

Quincy Hentzel, CEO of the Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce, criticized the council for its "choice to pursue a path that fosters division rather than unity."

In a written statement, she said, "Rather than focusing on pressing local issues, the Council chose to engage in a matter that has little bearing on municipal governance and, worse, risks deepening divides within our community. This proclamation does nothing to address the immediate challenges that Portland faces."

Do you support Portland's decision to divest funds from businesses in Israel, because of the Gaza War?
Yes (58%, 7727 VOTES)
No (42%, 5661 VOTES)
Undecided (0%, 21 VOTES)
Poll Description

In a unanimous resolution opposing the war in Gaza, the Portland City Council last week said the city will divest funds from many companies doing business in Israel.

The resolution directs the city manager to eliminate any current holdings — and forego future investment — in "all entities complicit in the current and ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and occupation of Palestine.”

The resolution refers to a “divestment list” with dozens of corporations. They include technology companies, financial institutions, manufacturers and defense contractors such as General Dynamics, the parent company of Bath Iron Works.

Portland currently does not hold investments in any companies on the list, but has in the past, the city's finance director told the council.

The council's action has drawn massive outpourings of both criticism and support. They reflect the sharp divide in public opinion about Israel's invasion of Gaza — which has killed more than 40,000 people, and was sparked by the Oct. 7, 2023, terror attack in which Hamas fighters killed 1,200 people in Israel and took some 250 hostages.

Some members of the business community also have responded to the Portland City Council's action.

Quincy Hentzel, CEO of the Portland Regional Chamber of Commerce, criticized the council for its "choice to pursue a path that fosters division rather than unity."

In a written statement, she said, "Rather than focusing on pressing local issues, the Council chose to engage in a matter that has little bearing on municipal governance and, worse, risks deepening divides within our community. This proclamation does nothing to address the immediate challenges that Portland faces."

  • 13409 Votes

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  • September 10, 2024

    STOP the antisemitism- where has the moral compass in the world gone🎗️

  • September 10, 2024

    To be clear, hundreds of thousands of Israelis are marching in the streets every night for a ceasefire. At this point it is just the Netanyahu administration that wants to continue this war in an act of self preservation. Portland doing what little it can to end its complicity in this war is in solidarity with those Israelis as well as the overwhelming number of Jewish supporters who spoke at the council meeting. There is NOTHING antisemitic about this divestment.

  • Eva za
    September 10, 2024

    Portland City Council has been hijacked by Jew haters and terror supporters. What a disgrace. I will be divesting from Portland.

  • Lou Laier
    September 10, 2024

    I’m a small business owner in Portland and fully support and appreciate this timely and compassionate action in light of the unending horrors being committed against civilians, especially children, the disabled, and medical providers, in occupied Palestine

  • Paul White
    September 10, 2024

    Stick to the local responsibilities and scope.