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Poll results

Sponsored by: GoNetspeed, a fiber internet provider

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows last week proposed new criteria for obtaining customized, "vanity" vehicle registration plates. And not everyone is happy with the rules.

Some people use vanity plates to express a professional or personal "brand." For some people, the plates are just fun.

A law passed in 2021 expands the state's power to bar vanity plates with certain elements, including profanityderogatory terms, obscenity and references to sexual acts.

Opponents claim Maine is infringing on free speech. But Bellows said, "The First Amendment protects your right to have any bumper sticker you want. But it doesn’t force the state to issue official registration plates."

Have you ever obtained a vanity plate for your car, and if so, what kind of message did it spell out?
Yes. The plate referred to my job, profession or company. (14%, 30 VOTES)
Yes. The plate referred to a nickname, hobby or a personal term. (25%, 56 VOTES)
Yes. The plate made a statement or a joke (such as "Y GO 55"). (5%, 12 VOTES)
Yes. The plate spelled out something I can't describe. (1%, 2 VOTES)
No. I've never had a vanity plate. (52%, 114 VOTES)
No. But now that I consider the possibilities, I might get one. (3%, 6 VOTES)
Poll Description

Sponsored by: GoNetspeed, a fiber internet provider

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows last week proposed new criteria for obtaining customized, "vanity" vehicle registration plates. And not everyone is happy with the rules.

Some people use vanity plates to express a professional or personal "brand." For some people, the plates are just fun.

A law passed in 2021 expands the state's power to bar vanity plates with certain elements, including profanityderogatory terms, obscenity and references to sexual acts.

Opponents claim Maine is infringing on free speech. But Bellows said, "The First Amendment protects your right to have any bumper sticker you want. But it doesn’t force the state to issue official registration plates."

  • 220 Votes

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  • June 1, 2022

    Panhandlers on every corner in Portland, drugs being shot up on the streets of the Old Port, homeless encampments in Bangor, opioid deaths at an all-time high...and the state of Maine government is worried about vanity plates.

  • Janet Wilson
    June 1, 2022

    This time, I actually agree with the Mills administration (doesn't happen too often!).