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Updated: September 27, 2021 2021 Giving Guide

Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association

2022 Goals

We are using our 50th anniversary year to make substantial progress on impact plan goals to continue to transform Maine’s food system to be healthy and fair for all of us. Through education, training and advocacy we will continue to ensure that farmers thrive, that local organic food is available to all and that Maine’s rural communities are sustainable. In addition to our ongoing work we are sharing stories from our community over the first 50 years, releasing a collection of essays by prominent individuals involved in MOFGA’s evolution as a leader in the organic movement as well as important voices in national discussions about sustainability titled The Organic Farming Revolution and amplifying our reach by collaborating with like-minded businesses on unique partnerships.

Fundraising Events / Opportunities

Business memberships: MOFGA’s business members support all of the organization’s year-round work to create a fair and healthy food system. Membership benefits include a subscription to The Maine Organic Farmer & Gardener, our award-winning newspaper with circulation of 65,000+ annually. Business members also receive a listing in the newspaper and discounted advertising rates. We also maintain a list of business members and applicable category and contact information on our website.

Sponsorships: We strive to ensure that our educational events and opportunities are available to all by offering scholarships and reduced rates as possible. To do this we seek limited sponsorship support from like-minded businesses and offer a tiered approach to recognition of businesses. Businesses interested in sponsorship opportunities should contact

Giving Opportunities

Just as we’ve transformed the landscape of Maine over the past 50 years to what it is today, tomorrow’s transformation will only happen with the strategic training, education and grassroots advocacy that MOFGA provides. We invite Maine businesses and community partners to join us as we help build a healthy and fair food system for all by raising $12 million in MOFGA’s 50th Anniversary Campaign: Together We Grow. With your support we will: Increase the number of MOFGA certified organic producers so that a farmer is always there, increase the number of annual participants in skills-based training on sustainable living, increase consumer access to local, organic Maine products, bolster partnerships to improve food security and pass transformative legislation to address our food system’s biggest challenges.

Volunteer Opportunities

We’ve been a largely volunteer powered organization since the beginning. Many opportunities for volunteering exist year-round. Annually we rely on over 2,000 volunteers to bring the Common Ground Country Fair to life. This includes over 300 volunteers who take leadership to coordinate specific areas of the fair. In addition to the fair, we welcome volunteers to our education center in Unity each Wednesday to offer support in the office and around the grounds of our 300+ acre campus and orchards. Our staff also relies on volunteer committee members to offer advice and technical assistance on various aspects of our work ranging from policy, to buildings and grounds, the fair and more. Contact to learn more.